Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Stay @ Home, Rainy Kind of Day

Today it was a little chilly and so a group of ladies from church gathered at my house today to crochet. It was really nice to sit around inside where it was warm and dry and just relax and share our newest project. Crocheting, in general, is a newly found hobby of mine. I have a friend, who will remain nameless but she knows who she is... taught me the basic steps of crocheting a little less than a month ago, and I am hooked. (no pun intended)
Since then, I have already completed a blanket for my oldest son, who loves it. I made a hat for the baby today. I'm taking a break right now from making the squares for another friend of mine's baby blanket for her baby shower on Saturday. I bought yarn already for my mom's Florida Gator blanket and for my middle child's blanket that he is ever so impatiently waiting for. And there is a long list of projects I want to do! I am addicted! One good thing about the cold, snowy weather up here in upstate New York, is that you have plenty of time to get projects done inside the house. And I have just recently discovered somewhat of a crafty side of myself that I never would have known existed before. I will start posting pics of my projects on here. That way I can remember them.
Anyhow, it was a very nice day to stay inside and hang out with a bunch of talented ladies! I love y'all!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Cracker Barrel

Ok, so yesterday was my crazy red headed neighbor's (and very good friend of mine) birthday! I was obnoxious and wrote on her car windows with a white and blue window marker. Well I actually wrote on both of her cars in case she wanted to get out of driving the one with writing.. Well we had a MOPS meeting in the morning yesterday and we went to lunch at Cracker Barrel (one of my husband's favorite restaurants) afterwards. It was a yummy lunch! I tried calling my husband to let him know where I was. He doesn't get good signal in his office, and he didn't answer his work number. So I left a message on his cell phone. Good enough I thought.

Well we decided to go to Michael's (the craft store) afterwards to look at some crafty stuff and my friend gets a phone call... its my hubby calling from his work number. He asked to speak to me. The conversation went like this:

Me "Hello"

Him "Hi, where's your phone?"

Me "In the diaper bag in the car, why?"

Him "No it's not"

Me (thinking, how in the world do you know) "well then, where is it?"

Him "Cracker Barrel" (he hadn't listened to his voice mail yet)

Me "Oh, oops. How did you find that out."

Him "Well I was calling to say hello and see how your day is going, and some guy answered your phone. Then this guy continues to explain to me that my wife must have left her phone at the table while she was eating lunch (at my favorite restaurant without me)"

Me (laughing histerically in the middle of the store) "I'm sorry honey, I guess you didn't hear the voice mail I left you then?....."

Maybe you had to be there.. It must have been funny to see his face when he was more upset to hear that I ate at Cracker Barrel without him than he was that some strange man answered my cell phone. I picked up my phone today and the manager who spoke to my husband on the phone said, "oh YOU"RE the woman who left her pink phone here yesterday.." and brought me my cell phone with a funny expression on his face. I wonder if he could sense my husband's disappointment over the phone line.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Without further ado...

I guess I will finally sit down and write in my blog! I have been so crazy busy that it hasn't been at the top of my list of things to do.. But I am extremely tired today and I am trying to be lazy for a little while. I have less than 30 minutes before my oldest gets off the bus and the dinner rush begins and all sorts of craziness with homework and such. I am on my final load of laundry right now out of what seems to have been 80 loads. But who is going to come put it all away? My dear husband is away on some special officer field trip for the next few days.. Would it be wrong to leave it on the couch til then.. LOL! So much has happened since I last wrote 2 months ago.. I made a small list...

* WE MOVED to a beautiful new house on post! We love it! I do have a crazy red headed neighbor though... (hee hee, I love you Kristen)

* We got a dog! Her name is Chai.. She is one of the illegitamate puppy of the crazy red headed neighbor! She is a very sweet puppy, but not the brightest at the potty training thing.

* My 13 year old sister came up for a visit! It was very nice..

* Our church has Vacation Bible School. I was a teacher for 5th and 6th graders! It was a blast! ALOHA!

* MOPS started! I am the coordinator of our local MOPS group and we have been planning this year and it started last week.

* School started *PRAISE GOD!* Taylor entered 2nd grade and Shane goes to part-day Pre-K

* AWANA started a couple weeks ago and I am one of the T&T leaders for 3rd-6th grade girls (what am I thinking, there is a reason GOD gave me boys)

*My baby turned 6 months old and is doing very well. You would never know he was a preemie! He was 17 pounds and 27 1/2 inches long!

That is all I can think of off the top of my head right now. Like I said its been busy and I'm too tired to think of what else..

All I know is that I have learned that you really do squeeze in as much as possible in the summer months here because soon it will be winter and life will pretty much slow down to a rolling stop..

I feel absolutely blessed to be a part of the magnificient things going on in our church! God is so good and for the first time in my life, I feel like I am somewhere where I belong!

Thats all I got for now.. I will try to write again before 2 months goes by!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Feeling better

I have been neglectful to my brand new blog because come to find out the other day I have a sinus infection, an ear infection, and a perforated ear drum! Fun stuff! I am starting feel much better since the antibiotics are doing their thing.
I have had a pretty cool week, I have managed to still exercise 4 days last week despite feeling under the weather. I had 2 softball games this past weekend. I play 2nd base for my church's coed slow pitch league. On Friday, we played against a team that had a terrible disposition and made the entire game aggravating. Not to mention the fact that while on 2nd base I was plowed over by an enormous man, which come to find out was really and truly a linebacker for a local football team here. He was one of the few people with decency and he came and apologized and shook my hand and asked if I was ok. Meanwhile, the rest of his team was more concerned with the fact of whether or not he should have scored a run. We lost that game by 1 run in the last inning. We had much more fun on Saturday. The game was at 9 am and I felt like I had been hit by a truck, I rolled out of bed and went anyways. It was a good game! We went into extra innings and won by 1 run! My wonderful husband had been substituting for one of the guys on 1st base while I played 2nd! He ended up scoring the winning run for our team! I'm so proud!

Thursday, July 10, 2008


OK! So, for the past 3 days I have been determined to do something about my physical appearance. I have 50 pounds to lose that I cannot blame on my 4 month old anymore. I was this same weight before I got pregnant with him, so it's time to do something. I have started walking/running 2 miles a day. The first day I started out with my 7 year old on his bike and I walked at a comfortable pace while he rode ahead of me and then waited for me to catch up. After 3 laps around my neighborhood with a few spurts of jogging, I was winded but still ok. I came inside the house to stretch and cool down and thought I had done well and felt somewhat accomplished until I realized it took me an hour to complete 2 miles. I think turtles move faster. snails possibly. My husband so graciously informed me that the Army standards only allow 32 minutes for a female to complete the 2 mile walk for those on a profile. Great, so I was going to have to push a little harder. OK, doesn't sound too bad does it? Whatever! I started out at a more brisk pace with the stroller while my husband lagged behind with Shane on his bike. I wasn't 3/4 of the way around the 1st loop when my legs felt like they were going to spontaneously combust! My wonderful hubby took the stroller which seemed to help. I was only able to complete the 2nd loop based on the fact that my legs had gone completely numb from the pain! When I wanted to quit, I didn't, I decided to rest briefly by allowing my children to play at the little park down the street (which only made this trip longer by a 1/4 mile) We then finished the last lap barely before dark. When we came inside I calculated that it only took 45 minutes! Small improvement, great pain today! So I find my only comfort in my husband's motto of "pain is weakness leaving the body" Why can't we just lose weight without doing anything? I want a diet and exercise plan that allows me to sit on my butt and eat whatever I want and get back into my pre-children clothes. Is that really so much to ask?

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

There's a first time for everything!

Well, its official. My first blogging experience. I finally jumped on the bandwagon. I have enjoyed reading my friend's blogs, so I have decided to start one myself. I told one of my dearest friends (who may very well be the only person who will ever read this) that I didn't think I should start a blog, I am really not all that interesting. I do, however, experience some pretty funny things at times and here is one way to catalog all the nonsense. It's also nice to be able to catch up with what is going on with your friends' lives at midnight when you can't sleep, for no apparent reason whatsoever. This happens to me frequently. I get insomnia for weeks or months it seems and then randomly I return to normal hours. It just started back up again, ironically right when my almost 4 month old started sleeping through the night. My body seems to be rejecting the idea of uninterrupted slumber. So I'm sure you have guessed by now that I am not pleasant in the morning hours. My children and husband are very much morning people, with the exception of my oldest, Taylor. Shane, my middle child in every meaning of the term, does not seem to be affected by my lack of coherence at the crack of dawn when he comes in and demands his breakfast (usually waffles.) He is too cute to resist though. With my husband on leave this week, I will be thoroughly enjoying some extra zz's for the next few days. Good night, Sleep Tight, Don't Let the Bed Bugs Bite!