Thursday, September 17, 2009

It was inevitable..

Deployments usually always mean, in some way, shape, or form.. I am going to get hurt.. Well 4 months in.. today was THAT day..

I thought I was being smart by putting in some chicken in the crockpot with a bottle of italian dressing. I left it in all day today.. maybe 9 hours.. I came home from picking up my MIL from the airport and had invited some friends over for dinner.. Well it came time to eat and I tried sliding the crockpot over on the counter and I spilled half of the scalding hot dressing all over my right arm. OUCH! I can't scream it louder.. OUCH... !!!!!!!

Luckily I have a neighbor who is a PA and he came to my aid with some miracle cream and bandages.. It sure does hurt something crazy!! He said there are 1st/2nd degree burns and the concern is that its wrapped almost all the way around my wrist. :( Clumsy me..

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