Well I figured since the hubby is deployed, I should resume writing on my blog. I guess I will do a better job at keeping it up so that he can stay connected with all the crazy happenings here at home... And there are plenty of them.. Stay tuned, you may get a kick out the real life circus my house has become since my husband left 5 days short of a month ago..
I do get to talk to him nearly everyday, which is a great blessing. The bad thing is, is that I cannot for the life of me remember everything I wanted to tell him while I actually have him on the phone. I always remember afterwards about half a dozen things I wanted to tell him, but forgot. So I figured he could keep up by reading my blog and I can give you guys a good laugh every now and then..
So far...
* the first day I had a not so hot annual woman visit.. still waiting on results
* car broke (had to pay for labor for a mistake the dealership made 4 years ago when fixing a recalled part)
* my bank account went negative
* had to ask parents to help buy groceries
* middle child has: torn a towel rod out of the wall, cut his own hair, smashed his baby brothers fingers in a door, needs 5 fillings at $80 a pop, etc......
* had maintenance at my house to fix flood damage in my laundry room, repair my back door, and fix the garage door that was stuck OPEN (today)
* my grandfather passed away
* kids got some stomach virus that was disgusting
* baby is teething 3 molars at once
*I went into anaphylaxis (spell?) in the middle of the clinic on post and had to be rushed in to get a shot of benedryl in my rear... (still sore) so much for latex free facility
* dog sitting a NOT potty trained dog for 2 weeks
* found out that R&R is only 2 months away, leaving a 9 month span of deployment afterwards
Thats all my exhausted brain will let me remember right now.. LOL! It's really more comical than anything else..
Thanks for listening to me vent.. That is the part I miss the most is being able to talk to my husband (someone over the age of 8) and getting a comforting HUG!! ahhhh... I miss him so much!
I know God is with us through this difficult time and I don't know where I would be if I didn't have that comfort. He is faithful to see us through and He has a greater plan that even though I can't see the purpose in all this for us, I know with all my heart serves for His greater good. I also know that He doesn't give us anything more than He knows we can handle... I just don't have as much faith in myself as He does!
Thank you for those of you who are praying for my family.. It really means a lot. I am thankful for each of my friends who have been there for me! I would be lost without you! I am also so very thankful to be a part of the ministries in my church. It puts it all into perspective of how small these things become when you have the honor and privledge of serving the Lord God Almighty!!
We'll see what tomorrow has in store.. LOL
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