I have been neglectful to my brand new blog because come to find out the other day I have a sinus infection, an ear infection, and a perforated ear drum! Fun stuff! I am starting feel much better since the antibiotics are doing their thing.
I have had a pretty cool week, I have managed to still exercise 4 days last week despite feeling under the weather. I had 2 softball games this past weekend. I play 2nd base for my church's coed slow pitch league. On Friday, we played against a team that had a terrible disposition and made the entire game aggravating. Not to mention the fact that while on 2nd base I was plowed over by an enormous man, which come to find out was really and truly a linebacker for a local football team here. He was one of the few people with decency and he came and apologized and shook my hand and asked if I was ok. Meanwhile, the rest of his team was more concerned with the fact of whether or not he should have scored a run. We lost that game by 1 run in the last inning. We had much more fun on Saturday. The game was at 9 am and I felt like I had been hit by a truck, I rolled out of bed and went anyways. It was a good game! We went into extra innings and won by 1 run! My wonderful husband had been substituting for one of the guys on 1st base while I played 2nd! He ended up scoring the winning run for our team! I'm so proud!
Welcome to blog world! Can't wait to watch the game on Friday...can't decide which team to root for! LOL
I didn't know you had a blog! Shhh...I do too but it's a secret for a little while longer.
OK, so I am back now!! How bout you??? :) HUGS!!!
I like your new pictures! You look just like your mom in the one with you and Blake!
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